Beef Carbonnade
- 2lb beef, braising steak or similar
- 4 t oil or lard
- 2 small onions finely sliced
- 5 small shallots peeled
- 4 t flour
- 4 t red wine vinegar
- 12 fl oz guinness
- 4 fl oz water
- parsley and thyme
- 2 garlics
- 5 slices baguette cut on diagonal
- dijon mustard
- salt and pepper
- Cut meat in small squares and sear in hot oil in flameproof casserole - can do it in pan and put in large pyrex with lid to go in oven.
- Remove meat, add onions, garlic and shallots and fry 3 to 4 mins. until colored slightly.
- Add flour then guinness and bring to a boil, stirring to incorporate flour. Add water also.
- Reduce heat when it comes to the boil and add meat back. Add parsley and thyme.
- Cover and put in oven at 300F for 2 hours.
- Spread bread with mustard on one side and put on top of beef, mustard side up.
- Cook uncovered at 425F for 15 mins.
- 2 meals for 2 people
- Add carrots if desired
- Can cook on top of the stove at low heat making sure it does not boil